
Terms and Conditions

  1. Ridakh Adventures reserves the right to cancel a trip without prior notice if deemed necessary. In such cases, registered participants will receive a full refund.
  2. Factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions or local issues, may necessitate changes to the itinerary. Participants will be informed of significant changes promptly. Our leaders and guides will determine the best alternatives, prioritizing the group’s safety and interests.
  3. Reservations are confirmed upon receipt of a 50% advance payment at least one month before the tour. Failure to make the payment may result in cancellation. The pricing for this trip remains subject to potential adjustments until the reservation process is concluded. Variations may occur due to factors including but not limited to availability, timing of booking, hike in fuel prices and optional services chosen. To ensure the most favorable rates, we encourage prompt completion of your reservation.
  4. Ridakh Adventures is not liable for disruptions, delays, or cancellations due to force majeure events.
  5. In the event of unforeseen circumstances leading to tour disruptions, Ridakh Adventures will make reasonable efforts to arrange alternative options, i.e. booking the next available flight subject to availability and feasibility.
  6. The use of drugs or intoxicants is strictly prohibited during the trip. Any individual found violating this rule will be immediately expelled from the trip without eligibility for a refund.
  7. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all transport vehicles.
  8. Participants are responsible for their safety, health, and insurance coverage. Comprehensive travel insurance is strongly recommended.
  9. Participants must be physically fit for the adventure and disclose any relevant health conditions. They are responsible for having valid passports, visas, and other necessary travel documents.
  10. Respect for local customs, cultures, and the environment is mandatory. Disrespectful or harmful behavior will not be tolerated.
  11. Participants are advised to use Non-Slippery Shoes/Boot/Joggers/DMS. Participants must NOT wear Heel/Dress Shoes.
  12. On steep ascends in mountainous areas, air conditioned of the buses will be operational on on-off basis to keep the vehicles from overheating.
  13. Participants may need specific gear, which can be rented if available. Availability should be confirmed in advance.
  14. Participants may be required to sign a liability waiver, releasing Ridakh Adventures from responsibility for injuries or accidents during the trip.
  15. If a trip is cancelled by the participants after reservations have been made, no payment will be refunded. We strongly advise participants to consider this policy before confirming their booking.
  16. For drone videography services, if participants require the videos captured during the trip, they must arrange for a suitable memory card to store the footage. Ridakh Adventures will not be responsible for providing memory cards or any storage devices for the client’s use.
  17. Ridakh Adventures will provide drone videos in raw form, as captured during the trip. No editing or post-production services are included in the provided footage.
  18. In the event of any accidents or incidents affecting the drone during flight, Ridakh Adventures shall not be held responsible.

By booking a tour with Ridakh Adventures, participants agree to these terms and conditions, acknowledging the associated risks and responsibilities.